Stewardship Poem

As we reflect on stewardship, please enjoy this delightful poem from among our own. The talents of our congregation are always a delight to discover. Janelle and Hillary are faithful leaders of our youth group, and Godly Play.

As Janelle and Hillary drove home after church one autumn Sunday, they talked about just how much Christ Church means to them.  They shared memories and talked about the overwhelming support they have continually received, as individuals, a couple, and a family in their happiest and saddest moments.  

They wrote this poem to gather those thoughts saying “We love God.  We love Christ Church. We love all of you.  We believe in the mission and ministry we are all working towards.”

Please join them in reflecting on how Christ Church impacts your life and the life of the community as you consider what you will offer to God this stewardship season. 

It’s all about the “US” and not about “me”

by Janelle and Hillary Willett

Today after church we talked as we drove
And spoke of how life is a treasure trove 
People whose days are nearing their end
And those who’ve not even been ‘round the bend

How grateful we are to walk it with you 
You Christians whose faith is strong and true
Together we’ve learned and laughed and cried
Together remembered those who’ve died

For us Christ Church is our family’s safe place 
Where we’ve grown and encountered deep grace
Such good memories over the years
Spirit filled moments that still bring on the tears

Retreats at Camp Marshall with silly skits
Making sure the homeless had beds and warm mitts
Asking for help when we became moms
Christmas Eves filled with peace and with calm

Watching our youth go into the world wide
Encouraging them to be bold and not hide
Potlucks and studies and meetings too
To run a church there’s so much to do

It can’t happen with just one person or two
It can’t even happen with just a few
It happens when we each answer the call
It happens with you, with me, with all

Whether you’re nearing life's end or at the start
You belong here, you play a big part
We are many members but are a body of one
And we’ll work together until our days are done

What that looks like for you may differ from me
And that is how God meant it to be
You may be called to the altar guild 
While we are more youth ministry skilled

You may be able to give money unceasing
Or you may find your funds decreasing
The amount does not matter, not one bit
It’s the act that matters, together we’re knit

Together we’re called to give what we’re able
And welcome each person to God’s banqueting table
Time, Talent and Treasure- the 3 T’s 
It’s all about the “US” and not about “me

Learn More about Stewardship

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And you can watch this video from our youth telling what they learned about stewardship as well.