
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to all who visit us on our new website. During the Covid pandemic we have learned how important our digital witness really is, so thank you for looking us up online.  In these pages you will see important news about us, our worship, and our ministries. If you spend even a little time on this site, you will quickly see that Christ Church Episcopal is blessed with many talented and prayerful people. We are committed to making a difference for God in God’s world. You are warmly invited to join us for friendship, education, service, and prayer. Many blessings to you today and always!


The newsletter comes out monthly. The latest addition and an archive of past additions are available. If you would like to receive the newsletters there is a link to sign up on the archive page. 

Our Leadership Team

  • Bishop: Rt. Rev. Marty Stebbins 
  • Rector: Rev. Sadie Koppelberger
The Rector of Christ Church, The Rev. Sadie Koppelberger


Christ Church was established in 1891 by the Rev. Thomas E. Dickey; since 1892, Episcopalians have been worshiping at this present site; and serving the community in Christ’s name.

The present sanctuary/worship space was dedicated in 1957.  Our bishop resides in Helena; we are a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Montana, in close fellowship with Episcopalians all over the state.  Each year we convene in a Diocesan convention to strengthen our common ties, renew our commitment to Jesus Christ in the Episcopal Church, and prepare programs for the ministry.

Christ is King. . .  Christ Church Episcopal is named in honor of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Particularly as Christ the King.  We are most mindful that our King reigned from the Tree of the Cross and that the Crucified One is the Risen One!  We remember that Jesus Christ taught us that He came to serve, not be served.  We try to serve in Christ’s Name.

About Us

You will discover Christ Church to be a caring, prayerful, Christ-centered congregation.  We are a people of diverse backgrounds and opinions yet we enjoy worshiping together and sharing one another’s burdens.  We thrive as a community whose traditions include attitudes that are Protestant and Catholic, ancient and reformed, liberal and conservative.  Our spirituality unites us.  Please make yourself at home in our church.  Join with us as we follow the beautiful ritual of Anglican worship which binds us together as a community of God’s people.

What We Believe

Episcopalians pray together as a community of believers.  Our prayers are informed and shaped by the scriptures and our services follow the prayer book of the Episcopal Church: the Book of Common Prayer.  The rites and prayers found in this book follow closely the practices of the early Christians.  The Book of Common Prayer has been used by Episcopalians for over four hundred years and contains the texts of public worship services, creeds, prayers, and private devotions.  It is the red book in the pew rack.  The bulletin you received as you entered will guide you in the order of service.

Our Service is a celebration of the Lord's Supper

The Holy Eucharist [Lord’s Supper] is the central act of worship in the Episcopal Church.  It is a celebration of Christ’s life, death and resurrection.  If you are a baptized Christian you are welcome to receive the Sacrament.  To partake, come forward with others.  At the alter, the Bread and Wine we receive are the real and spiritual Presence of Christ’s Body and Blood given for us.

Please Join in Singing

A rich tradition of hymnody enhances our liturgy with a variety of service music and hymns. The bulletin you received will list hymns, as well as the hymn board visible in the front of the church. Generally, we Episcopalians stand to sing, kneel to pray, and sit to listen.  Please worship as you feel most comfortable.