They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. ~Acts 2:42
It takes many hands and many gifts to make worship happen every week. Christ Church is blessed with a dedicated team of folks who have filled these roles faithfully and there is always room for more workers in God’s vineyards. If you are interested in joining any of the ministries listed below please reach out to Sadie or Caitlin and they will help get you started.
The Worship Service
Reader: A reader proclaims the word of God to the gathered congregation. We have two readings each time we worship together and a reader typically reads one of them.
Minimum Requirements: Ability to read and proclaim the word clearly. There is no minimum age.
Usher: Ushers welcome people as they arrive, assist in seating if there is a special need, and bring the offering to the altar at the appointed time.
Minimum Requirements: None, there is no minimum age.
Acolyte: Acolytes vest and assist in the service. Acolytes can serve in teams or alone so this is an excellent position for young people to learn to assist in worship. Jobs can include leading processions, assisting at the altar, and ringing bells.
Minimum Requirements: Ability to sit through a service and willingness to serve God in worship. The minimum age is 8.
Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM): LEMs assist in the distribution of communion.
Minimum Requirements: LEMs must be confirmed members of the church and licensed by the diocese (this is not a complicated process, don’t let it scare you!). Minimum age: 16
Altar Guild: The altar guild does the work behind the scenes to make worship happen. They carefully prepare the sanctuary and the elements for Eucharist. If you are curious about the particularities of Episcopal worship or want to serve but prefer quiet, behind-the-scenes work, this might be the ministry for you.
Minimum Requirements: Willingness to learn and attention to detail. Minimum age: 14
How to learn more about serving in worship
Whether you are brand new or a seasoned veteran of these ministries we are going to have a series of trainings to help refresh our practice and make sure we all are moving in the same direction. You only need to attend one session per role you want to participate in.
Mark your calendar for ONE of the following Sunday’s following worship:
Please reach out to Sadie with any questions.