Parish Ministries

Youth Group

The Middle and High School youth group meets weekly to play games, worship, meet new friends, and learn about God’s love.

godly play classroom

Godly Play

Godly Play meets on Sunday during the 10 am service. All elementary age kids are welcome to join us. Through parables, sacred stories, silence and liturgical action we discover the mystery of God’s presence in our lives. Godly play follows the school schedule and does not meet during the summer.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Should you want prayer to be offered for yourself or another, please contact one of the Prayer Chain ministers listed below. That person will then activate the Prayer Chain. Their phone numbers are at the front of the church directory. All you have to do is contact one person on the list.

Men's Group

The men’s group meets for breakfast Friday mornings for good christian discussion and fellowship.


Tucked behind the Parish house is a cobblestone labyrinth. It is available for your relaxation, meditation  and walking enjoyment anytime throughout the year.

prayer labyrinth

Friday Bible Study

The bible study group meets Friday mornings via Zoom to discuss the reading for the week. If you would like to join the group please email the church for the link.

Spiritual Direction is an intentional relationship through which one person assists another in attending to the presence and call of God in all aspects of life (Richard Foster). Or we might say, it is taking time out from our here-and-there lives to notice where God is wooing us right in the midst of it all. 

Please email for more information.

shadowy mountain outline with text overlay that says Spiritual Direction

Community Ministries

Camp Marshall

We are blessed to only be 45 minutes away from the Diocese’s youth camp on of Flathead lake. We often hold our Parish and Vestry retreats at the site and send many campers, councils and staff each summer.

Episcopal Relief and Development

Episcopal Relief & Development is an international relief and development agency and a compassionate response to human suffering on behalf of The Episcopal Church of the United States. Our work to heal a hurting world is guided by the principles of compassion, dignity and generosity.

Warming Center

We welcomed the Flathead Warming Center into our basement for the winter of 2019 and were blessed by their presence. 

Community Kitchen
- Feeding the Flathead

We provide a home for 1 week a month to Community Kitchen – Feeding the Flathead to support their mission in providing warm healthy meals to the hungry.

St. Nicolas School in Haiti

We support an Episcopal school in the mountains of Haiti, in the village of St. Nicolas.