Red Door Pantry
Open Fridays from 3 to 4 pm.
- It is our hope that those who receive food will be strengthened in body and soul.
- If you would like to help you can donate food or money or work on a Friday afternoon.
Since it’s beginning on February 17th 2012 the pantry has served numerous adults and children. The Pantry is open to anyone in need. Motivated by our faith, the Christ Church Episcopal Red Door Pantry continues God’s work by fostering a caring atmosphere, treating each guest with dignity, respect, and care, as an individualry stocking needs are:
- Chili and Peanut butter
- Veggies and crakers
- Any variety of canned fruit or vegetables
- Money and/or Prayers
These items can be left in the narthex on Sunday morning. Placing a check marked for the pantry in the offering is also a way to participate in this ministry. As always, anyone is welcome to come by the pantry on Fridays between 3-4pm. to see how it all works.