Goodbye to a great old website.

Christ Church has been well served by its website for many years. Created and maintained by Greg Scarff it was a treasure trove of information and links about Christ Church and the greater Episcopal church. The Lectionary section was especially popular where it offered the weekly lectionary readings in an easy to use pdf format. This section was regularly used to be people from all over, especially the east coast. Even after Greg moved to a different city he continued to actively maintain the site for many years, we thank him for his years of service. 
In 2020 the webmaster torch has been passed to John and Thomas Bertram. It is actually coming full circle, when John first started attended Christ Church in 2006 he listed helping with the website on the first talents and interests survey he filled out. However, at that time it was clear that Greg had it well in hand and a far deeper knowledge of html. 
The new website takes advantage of the latest technology to create a nimbly experience that is optimized to adapt to viewing on a tablet or phone. As we increase our digital presence it strives to be the hub of information for the church. Offering the latest schedule, links to the latest live stream and newsletters and highlighting our connections to the community. It will grow and document our walk with Christ as we take it. 